Recently I visited a church web site using my iPhone to watch a video, and then a few days later on my iPad, to refer an email address to some friends – and both times couldn't access the content because the site used Flash, a format that doesn't work on the Apple mobile platforms. Nothing but a big blank page.
OK, so while that sounds all geeky, consider: because the hosted media (online sermons) were displayed in a format that wasn't readable by the iPhone, I couldn't share them with someone that I wanted to refer them to, and I couldn't share the sermon video on Facebook. The irony is overwhelming that one can't share truth because the media format isn't compatible with the over 51 million iPhone users. (Tech Crunchies, April 2010). iPad sales are a modest 3.27 million (July 2010)
Likewise, because the navigation of the web site (and links to the content) were rendered with Flash, I couldn't use the web site on the iPad.
With YouTube, Vimeo, and many other excellent, low-cost options for video sharing. The church in general has no excuse not to be talking to the world in a way the people of the world can understand and access.
Churches, kiss Flash goodbye. Be brave, and arrive at the party early. Embrace technology that doesn't raise barriers to people who are desperate to know the Truth. Or to find an email address on your web site.
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