Sunday, September 6, 2015

Raise Your Voice: Interview with Todd Henry on Finding Your Authentic Voice

Key insights from my conversation with Todd Henry about Louder Than Words

  • “Cover bands don’t change the world” — At some point you need to make an intuitive leap from emulating other people to have the courage to develop your own voice. Courageous people  weave their influences into something new.
  • “Courage means doing the right things even when it’s the uncomfortable thing.” You may not be courageous, but if you want to develop your own voice, you need to be willing to choose courage over comfort.
  • "Cultivate your vision, cultivate your sense of identity." When the opportunity presents itself, you’ll be prepared to make an intuitive leap."
  • "I am profoundly less interested in legacy than I am about impact.” The best way to make an impact that lasts is to approach every day consistent with the kind of impact you want to have.
  • "Your legacy is your body of work.” Your body of work is any place you add value in your life. It’s not just your job— but it’s how you treat your family, lead your family, spend your time. It’s how you sharpen your mind.
  • “Run your own race.” Sometimes our influences become burdens to us. Don’t artificially escalate your expectations based on what others around you are doing.
  • “Manifesto are active.” It’s impossible to read a manifesto without thinking “I’m in or I’m out.” Rather than a mission or vision statement, a manifesto is active. It forces you to say yes or no. It says the time is now.
  • "Your intended audience will change over time.” Create your work for one specific person. It allows you to cultivate empathy as you create.

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