Saturday, October 2, 2010

Just how big is your world?

How big is your world? Are you engaged in it beyond school, beyond church, beyond work?

Do you spend significant time with others outside of your core group of friends, outside of those who believe what you believe?

I encounter too many people who have to have some "faith" label applied to the activities they are engaged in, in order to justify their participation in that activity to themselves and to their friends.  It's sad when Christians limit themselves to only serving in ministry.

Many followers of Christ won't fully understand service until they move beyond the walls of church, the confines of ministry, and the boundaries of their faith to serve where the majority of people live.  There are too many Christians who limit their opportunities to serve God by not serving outside of their church.  Perhaps they limit the opportunities that God has for them by drawing a circle but not going to the edge.

You don't have to volunteer in a ministry to be able to serve in the name of Christ.  In fact, you may find yourself to be very passionate about serving in a cause that has nothing to do with your faith, and that's okay.  Because it has everything to do with your faith.  Romans 12 encourages us to give our bodies to God as a living sacrifice – that means all of yourself.  Give, and give more of yourself.  Your resources may be limited, but even after giving the most valuable possession God had, he still has more resources than you'll ever need.

God is limitless.  Don't put him a box that somebody else has made for you.

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