Lacking any original ideas, popular culture Christian-themed media continues to render the message of the Bible irrelevant, unless it's in the context of other popular culture symbology and messaging.
For example: "The Light" shirt is a knockoff of the Twilight visual branding. Blatant and embarrassing knockoff.
So why aren't more Christian-themed media or art copied? It's not hard to figure out: we're slaves to the story. Somehow we can't get away from the idea that we have to get the whole gospel message in every time we speak or say or create something. In doing so, we lose focus, and in losing focus, others lose interest. And if this is the best believers can do, then there's nothing compelling to inspire anybody else.
We don't have to include any message in our creativity. Art needs no justification or reason to be.
Outside of the context of the movie, the shirt has little meaning. Little relevance. Because without context, there is even more explaining to do about what it means. Instead of starting a conversation, it just looks like a word that was misspelled. That means its bad design too.
C'mon believers! You can do better than this! Embrace the best.