My son and I have had several deep conversations about balance, about choosing between what is good and... good. Not good and bad, not good and better, but between two choices that are equally good.
The good choices involve service opportunities, athletic events, concerts, friends, even opportunities for work. All have value to God, because he redeemed all of us. There is no separation between secular and spiritual. All of life is spiritual, we cannot compartmentalize certain activities or aspects of living.
Church-focused individuals will assume that the only choice is service opportunities, but that's not the case. Church and service opportunities through church are part of our lives, but not the central focus of our life.
With the proper perspective, the conflict between the two is easier to reconcile. If you believe, according to I Cor. 10:31, that "whatever you do" is to be done for the glory of God, then the pressure to say yes to everything can be tempered by balance.