In over 30 years of serving as a volunteer in church ministry, I've scrubbed toilets, taught children and adult Sunday schools, led a church board, served as an elder, led a small group, cut grass, participated in construction projects, shoveled snow, sung in choirs, played in a praise band, and served as a worship leader. I'm sure I neglected to list a few activities.
Most have been enjoyable and fulfilling. Surprisingly, the leadership roles have been those that have left me feeling relieved when they are over; the roles where somebody else is leading leave me grateful that indeed, somebody else is leading. (And it's always a blessing when they are a capable leader). It's a challenge to remain optimistic, idealistic and excited about the next opportunity.
Recently, in listening to some volunteers who worked very long and diligently on a summer VBS program – hours of preparation, practice, setup – I heard the question "Where is God in ministry?" Where was He in all the long hours, the frustrations, the interpersonal drama?
We serve because we believe in God first, and with the passion for the ministry second. At least that's how it should be. This is not church; this is life. Embrace it!